Simon Satori (aka Hi-Reciprocity) has posted a delightful review of our evening... Read it below! On Saturday, I went to ‘Winter Tales 2: The Witching Hour’. This was Carya Gish and Matt ArtPix and Alan Pride’s mini-festival of words and music. I love it. It’s a great and original concept to get darker styles of music together with smart and scary literature. This particular one had a theme of Witchcraft which I think all the artists kept to… or at least sneaked into their sets. :) Please bear with us as we stay away from social media over the next week as we have too much work (not music/writing related, I'm afraid).
We will be back next week with more announcements and of pictures of the evening! You can see a few pictures on Matt ArtPix's blog HERE. And... We have done it!
And it was truly exceptional! Well, what can I say? We had a wonderful evening yesterday at The Harrison in the company of our talented writers and musicians who were all captivating in their own unique way! A lot of people have commented on the quality of the guests, the great venue, the fantastic atmosphere and on the look of the merch stall! People have discovered new musicians and writers, which is exactly the aim of our evenings: to bring new audiences to authors and musicians and vice versa. We think it is important for people to get out of their comfort zone and mix and match genres and scenes. I wish to say a massive thank you to our writers and musicians Sarah Channing Wright, Syd Moore, Cathi Unsworth, Kirsten Morrison, Hi-Reciprocity, Kate Arnold. Thank you to our sound man Rob for his help throughout the evening - we wouldn't have done it without him. Thank you to Matt ArtPix for all the visuals and for being our man on the merch stall! Thank you to photographer Stevek Photography - we will post a link to Steve's photographs of the event once they are online! Thank you to Alan Pride for his professionalism and expertise! Thank you to our wonderful audience who were so attentive! It is becoming more and more difficult to find an audience like you who genuinely listens to the readers and musicians! We were really chuffed to have in the audience members of some of the best bands around at the moment! It was a real pleasure and honour to have with us Andy Heintz (front man of Flesh Tetris and The Men That Will Not Be Blamed For Nothing) as well as Charlie Fink and Justine Armatage of the superb The Cesarians... I personally cannot wait to see them all on stage soon. We do hope it will not be another two years before the next London: Winter Tales event, and we already have a few ideas for the next one as well as for some "Out of London" events... Watch this space! We hope to follow this up with a "proper" blog about the evening (and with pictures!) in a week or so. Please come again! And watch out for some more Arcane Publishing announcements on here very soon... Three days to go until our event, and we are all getting very excited indeed, especially as we only have 8 tickets to sell to be SOLD OUT! Be quick! It will truly be a unique event of dark words and beguiling music. Alan of Oil54 will welcome you on the door and Matt ArtPix and I will be manning the fab merch stall! Talking about merch stall... We will have some special bundles of Miss Gish's two novels, I Am a Muse and The Book of Thoth at the incredible price of... £12! (usually £6 and £12 at events and RRP £7.99 and RRP £15 respectively!) We hope to see you there!
All the details for our London event are now on the events page! Go HERE to know all there is to know about this fabulous evening of music and spoken word!
Or rather... the ArcanePixMobile - coming to a music festival/vintage/antiques market/fair near you!
A great little ex-fire brigade van perfect for developing our ventures, in the red colour we both use for our branding - it's the perfect match. See you on the road soon! Portland Bill is in the background... |
AuthorArcane Publishing is a small independent imprint with a passion for beautiful books. Archives
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